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A Holistic Committee Organization for Society of Sustainability(SOSS)

In the Brundtland report(1987) we find the following definition;

Sustainable Development is not a fixed state of harmony , but rather a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are made consistent with future as well as present needs.

What is Sustainability?

Reconfiguring the Relationship between Humanity, Culture, Economy, Energy and the Natural World.

What is Sustainable Development?

he most widely accepted definition is:
“Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (our Common Future, The World commisison on Environment and Development, 1997)

What is Sustainable Development?

Like ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’, Sustainable Development means different things to different people.
Sustainable development is defined as balancing the fulfillment of human needs with the protection of the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future.

Sustaining our Future means;

-ensuring long term profitability
-reducing risk
-establishing long term relationships
-equitable share of value
-increasing quality of life both physical & emotional consideration.
Technology plays an important role in development . Today technology selection focuses on economic considerations and tends to disassociate from social and environmental factors. This approach in making technology choices has implications on sustainability of technology itself.
Integration of Economic, Social, Culture and Environmental considerations ensures resource efficiency and social acceptability and effective outcomes
Education, in short, is humanity’s best hope and most effective means to the quest to achieve sustainable development.
(UNESCO, 1997)
The Nagoya Protocol on ABS was adopted by 193 Parties in October 2010 during the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Its purpose is to implement the third objective of the CBD, which was ratified by France in 1994, namely: “the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and to technologies, and by appropriate funding”.

The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.

Alfred Einstein (1879?1955)5
Einstein, A. Retrieved on July, 12, 2007 from
Our society evolves together with the environment around us.
We are living in an important moment for ethics & compliance.
The Sustainable in our society Means of achieving consistent Ethical Behavior.
SOSS(The Society of Sustainability Science) is connected to the world.
SOSS combines our understanding of being connected.
SOSS approach is noted as aiming “to promote development that is sustainable not just ecologically, but also institutionally, socially, economically and culturally.
SOSS share the spirit of the sustainability through the convergence of the Environmental Responsibility, Economic Cohesion, Equitable Society and Cultural Creation.
SOSS offers thought leadership; case studies, researching, presentation or virtual presentation, insights and challenges as well as a platform that connects those who want to move from thinking to action; SOSS is a movement with the ambition to further sustainability through thinking as well as doing.
SOSS research combines theory, method, practice, and tools in one holistic system that allows different disciplines to work together, evaluate sustainability spectrum-wide, and find sharing and symbiotic solutions. While ensuring completeness, the inclusions of aspects such as circular economies, biobased design, resilience thinking and social justice and so on.
SOSS search the need for a single, overarching theory, method and process for working towards a sustainable society
The membership of SOSS accept any one who is interested in the sustainability , and the people who are engaged in academic, business and political area such as professor, scholar, researcher are welcome.
SOSS is to be achieved through a variety of approaches, sharing the following elements of sustainable value with the four key dimensions of sustainability being economic, institutional, social cultural and environmental

- People-centred
- Responsive and participatory
- Multi-level
- Conducted in partnership
- Dynamic
SOSS would willingly say: "think ahead, act now". We definitely need to act here and now, action is not for later, but we must be able to design today's action according to the future we wish to achieve.
For this, SOSS aware of the diversity of systems by accepting diversity as an asset, recognizing the complexity of the problems to be solved without trying to reduce them, acknowledging that things are dynamic and constantly change just as the world we live in, and finally, that all this is based to a large extent on interactivity between human beings and social groups and between these and the world in which they live and on which they act.